Two Spirit Identity and Health
Having access to information is important for our health and well-being. On this page, you will find 2SLGBTQA+ health resources produced by our team, our collaborators, and/or our partners.
Please contact us for more information about any of the resources. If you have resources (e.g., articles, events, news, groups, organizations) that are relevant to our research, please share them with us!
For more information about the resources produced by our team please contact us.
Coming Out Stories: Two Spirit Narratives in Atlantic Canada - by the Urban Aboriginal Knowledge Network
Sylliboy, J. R. (2019). Using L'nuwey Worldview to Conceptualize Two-spirit. Antistasis, 9(1), 96–116.
C. Merasty, F. Gareau, R. Jackson, R. Masching, S. Dopler on behalf of the Trans PULSE Canada Team. Health and well-being among Indigenous trans, two-spirit and non-binary people. 2021-02-11
Community Report: Experiences of Aboriginal People in the Risk and Resilience Study
Spirit Resource Directory - by the National Confederacy of Two Spirit Organizations and Northeast Two Spirit Society
Ristock, J., Zoccole, A., and Passante, L. (2010). Aboriginal Two-Spirit and LGBTQ Migration, Mobility and Health Research Project. Winnipeg.
Taylor, C. (2009). Health and Safety Issues for Aboriginal Transgender/Two Spirit People in Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-based HIV/AIDS Research, 2, 63-84.
Brotman, S., Ryan, B., Jalbert, Y. & Rowe, B. (2002). Reclaiming Space-Regaining Health -- The Health Care Experiences of Two-Spirit People in Canada. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 14(1), 67-87, doi: 10.1300/J041v14n01_04.
Resources from the Two-Spirit Roundtable Discussion Series