Gay Community
Several studies have found that gay men are more likely than heterosexual men to report high rates of mental health problems (1). We are particularly concerned with the mental health of gay men and their experiences with health services – this includes services that enable gay men to become parents.
At this time we do not have any projects specific to gay men. If you are aware of a specific issue in need of research or are connected to organizations looking for research partners on the topic of gay men’s health please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always looking for collaborators.
We are interested in the mental health of gay men and their experiences with health services—this includes services that enable gay men to become parents
Brennan, D.J., Ross, L.E., Dobinson, C., Veldhuizen, S., & Steele, L.S. (2010). Men’s sexual orientation and health in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 101(3), 255-258.